3 Ways To Improve The Lifespan Of Your Composite Deck

3 Ways To Improve The Lifespan Of Your Composite Deck

If you’re like most homeowners, your outdoor space is probably a key source of relaxation and stress relief. And with the current trend of raising home property values by adding composite decking is even more appealing to property owners who have limited accessible space. Composite decks are increasingly popular because they are durable, maintenance-free, and come in a wide variety of colours and textures. However, it’s important to understand that these benefits only come with an extended lifetime. To help you get the most out of your investment and extend its lifespan, here are three ways to improve the lifetime of your composite deck.

Maintain, and regularly clean your deck

The largest factor that determines the lifetime of a deck is the level of maintenance. If you want your outdoor space to remain looking new for years, you need to regularly maintain your deck. While your initial investment in a deck may be significant, its lifespan can be maximized if you regularly clean and maintain it. When you clean your deck, you remove harmful substances that could otherwise damage your deck, such as dirt, dust, mould, and mildew. Regular cleaning will also help you spot damage to your deck sooner, giving you ample time to repair it before it becomes a major issue. Regularly cleaning your deck will also help maintain its colour and brightness. As we walk across our deck, dirt is transferred from our shoes to the surface of the deck. This daily wear and tear can cause the colour of your deck to fade over time. Regularly cleaning your deck will also help protect it from other types of damage. Dirt, dust, and grime are often responsible for causing boards to warp or break prematurely. Regularly cleaning your deck will help reduce the risk of this occurring.

Protect your deck with a sealant

A sealant is a compound that can be applied to the surface of your deck to protect it from rot, water damage, and staining. While you can’t prevent all damage to your deck, you can reduce it significantly by regularly applying a sealant. The longer your deck remains in service, the more likely it is that you’ll need to make a repair. This can have a significant impact on your wallet, but it can also damage the aesthetic appeal of your deck. More importantly, it can increase the likelihood that you’ll need to replace the deck entirely, which can be costly. Applying a deck sealant regularly can significantly reduce the likelihood of rot, water damage, and staining occurring. It is recommended that you apply sealant to your deck once a year, or after heavy rainfall.

Monitor for any rot or water damage

A large percentage of decking damage occurs below the surface. This can make it difficult to spot damage, leaving you unaware of the potential risks. To prevent costly repairs in the future, it’s important to regularly monitor for damage. The easiest way to monitor for damage is by inspecting your deck on a regular basis. It’s recommended that homeowners conduct a thorough inspection at least once a year. During this inspection, you should closely examine the surface, boards, and railings of your deck for any signs of rot or water damage. If you spot any damage, it’s crucial that you act quickly. Rot and water damage can spread rapidly, so it’s critical that you repair it as soon as possible. The sooner you repair the damage, the easier it will be to fix.


Ultimately, the lifetime of your deck is dependent on how you take care of it. By following the tips outlined above, you can improve the lifetime of your composite deck, protect your investment, and extend the time that your outdoor space remains functional and attractive. 

When it comes to maintaining your deck, prevention is the best cure. By following the tips outlined above, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of needing to make expensive repairs in the future.

Luckily, Deckorum offers you a 25 year warranty on all of our decking products – so you can buy with peace of mind that you will be able to enjoy your new space for many years to come. 

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